
Monday, April 30, 2018

Another take on the White House Correspondents Dinner

This is the BEST take that we've read about Michelle Wolf's "controversial" roast of Trump, Pence, and Trump's Press Secretary Huckabee Sanders:

"I want to take a moment to speak about Michelle Wolf’s caustic routine at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner. You may, or may not have found it funny, but it was a tactical, weaponized comic routine.

She called out people in the highest echelons of privilege and power.

It may make you uncomfortable, but it was spot on and sadly true.

She literally spoke truth to power.

And she did it in a raw way that left many breathless. She had the courage to take on Trump and his allies.

I did not find her offensive, mainly because the things she spoke of are offensive in and of themselves- because they happen to be utterly true.

Trump and Pence have worked alongside their willing accomplices in Congress to strip away every dignity, every protection for the most marginalized among us.

Trump has gleefully mocked and disparaged those with disabilities and physical challenges.

He has called for violence against people of color (during his campaign where he encouraged attendees to be rough with peaceful protestors).

He has constantly given dog-whistles to white supremacists. He even said some were "very fine people".

He has worked in every way to remove science, punish the poor (for the sin of being poor), upended justice and created a nation in which the vulnerable are shredded like chaff.

He called athletes who dared to take a knee to acknowledge a broken system "sons of bitches". His followers and supporters saw nothing wrong with this.

She called out Sarah Huckabee out for lies. And did the same to Conway. Both of whom have created a smokescreen of ugly deceptions. Remember how Conway made up a story about a Bowling Green massacre?

Trump lacked the courage to attend. Something he called out with a joke about him being "the only pussy you can't grab". She used his own words against him.

His supporters seem to find this more offensive than him actually saying them in the first place. Yes. It was a biting commentary.

What is more biting? The fact, which she acknowledged, that Flint STILL does not have clean water.

She could have added Puerto Rico’s suffering, the wholesale selloff of public lands and constant, caustic flow of lies and corruption from this sewer of an administration.

I could list dozens and dozens (and sadly dozens more) of policy changes that are literally destroying our nation, wrecking the planet and probably going to cause a world-wide market crash at some point.

So yes, Wolf did say some nasty stuff. The fact that it is shockingly true concerns me more than her comedy. Maybe it is funny. Maybe it is not. But there sure as hell is nothing funny about this presidency."

- Victoria Cayce


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