
Saturday, March 17, 2018

America's debt crisis is coming -- interest payments will hit a trillion dollars a year

By Maya MacGuineas
20 hrs ago

Thanks to the recent budget-busting tax cuts and spending deal, the national debt is skyrocketing and on an unsustainable course. And where there is debt, there are interest payments on that debt.

In fact, interest is by far the fastest growing part of the budget.

In our latest nonpartisan analysis, we found that interest payments will quadruple, topping $1 trillion per year in as little as a decade. That's more than we will spend each year on the military or Medicaid, and as a share of the economy, it is the highest in history.

As the country spends more and more to service our debt, it leaves less room to spend on everything else, from defense to education to infrastructure to new tax cuts.

Over the next decade, we'll spend around $7 trillion -- $55,000 per household -- just servicing our debt. That's hardly the best use of our scarce tax revenue.

Unfortunately, we can't just cut these interest payments; they represent commitments to our creditors. But a thoughtful plan to slow the growth of our rising debt can help keep interest rates down and prevent interest payments from eating up our entire budget.

Sadly, policymakers have spent the past year doing exactly the opposite. Between massive new tax cuts and massive spending hikes, Congress has added over $2 trillion to projected debt. We're addicted to debt!

So, how do we fix this?

The first step is admitting we have a problem. We need a national debt audit, and members of Congress need to recognize and be held accountable for their votes.

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