
Sunday, February 25, 2018

5 Places Hypocritical Republicans Ban Guns for Their Own Personal Safety

Do as they say, not as they do.

By Kali Holloway / AlterNet February 22, 2018, 1:18 PM GMT

After every mass shooting, a portion of this country insists the real problem is that there aren’t enough guns. The group that pushes this absurd lie includes Republican politicians, many of whom fear that admitting otherwise would drive away NRA donor funds. There's been a lot of recent discussion about how GOP legislators do nothing in response to gun massacres, but a 2016 Harvard Business School study proves that's not quite true. In states with overwhelmingly Republican legislative bodies, after mass shootings, “the number of laws passed to loosen gun restrictions [increases] by 75 percent." Despite being counterintuitive and demonstrably dangerous, more firepower is the GOP's go-to solution because "something something don’t tread on me."

It's a bad-faith proposition. A party that truly believes guns are the way out of this thing, and that an even more heavily armed populace will ensure American safety, would make different personal choices. In fact, we can gauge GOP disingenuousness on the gun issue just by noting all the places Republican politicians frequent where weapons are banned. Pointing out their hypocrisy has never helped to shame the GOP into decency, but it's worth a review nonetheless.

Here are five places hypocritical Republicans ban guns in order to ensure their own personal safety.

1. The White House

2. The Republican National Convention

3. Mar-a-Lago

4. The U.S. Capitol Building

5. Republican Town Halls

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