
Monday, January 22, 2018

McConnell offers same deal he made—and broke—in December for Trump shutdown vote

By Laura Clawson 
Monday Jan 22, 2018 · 8:46 AM EST

With a cloture vote scheduled for noon ET, a bipartisan group of 20 senators is in talks to end the shutdown by letting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell play them for fools—for the second time on the same issue in at least one case. The idea is that they would vote to fund the government through February 8 in exchange for McConnell’s promise of a vote on immigration.

After leaving McConnell's office, Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) said the potential compromise would include a commitment to take up immigration after Feb. 8, with floor action possible sooner if they could get a larger deal.
"Then whoever has 60 votes can move ahead," he said.
As a reminder, Flake voted for the Republican tax bill back in December based on this promise:
Jeff Flake
Bipartisan #DACA bill will be on the Senate floor in January.
1:17 AM - Dec 20, 2017
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And McConnell publicly promised a vote in January. Now, the group of oh-so-savvy bipartisan senators—and the public—is supposed to believe that it’ll happen in February. Pinkie promise! Except, uh:

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), the No. 2 Senate Republican, predicted the government would still be closed on Monday and said it would be "ridiculous" to agree to promise an immigration vote.

So Republicans bargained 800,000 Dreamers’ future for Jeff Flake’s tax vote. And they got his tax vote, didn’t hold a vote on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, and turned to setting health care for nine million children against  Dreamers’ futures, forcing a government shutdown. But definitely Democrats and the couple bipartisan Republicans should trade their vote for a McConnell promise and the used toilet paper it’s presumably printed on.


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