
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Impact of the shut down on the midterms

Mindy Fischer, Writer
Here's the thing. The electorate has a very short memory. There's very little chance that voters will care one way or the other about a few day January shutdown by November. It didn't make a difference after the 2013 shutdown. There's no reason to believe that this time will be any different.
The Dems have very little power, but they need to use what power they have. It is ridiculous that they should have to make a choice between Dreamers and sick kids. I don't care what trump and McConnell say, if the Dems cave on the Dreamers hoping that Republicans will keep their word and cut a deal later they're fucking crazy. I have never seen a bigger group of liars.
The Dems need to hold the line and take care of both CHIP and DACA. If they don't do it now it won't happen. trump's base is perfectly fine with deporting all of the Dreamers.


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