
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I'm normally an optimist, but I'm worried now that the Dreamers are screwed.

Mindy Fischer, Writer

In 2013 the Senate passed an immigration/DACA bill. It would've passed in the House too. But Paul Ryan refused to ever bring it to the floor for a vote. We're in that exact position now.

Even if McConnell keeps his word and the Senate is able to pass a DACA bill....and that's a big IF....Paul Ryan won't allow a vote in the House. Over the weekend he refused to make any deal agreeing to bring the Senate bill to the House floor.

The majority of Republicans in the House are on Team Stephen Miller and want all of the Dreamers deported. And because of the Hastert rule Ryan won't bring any bill for a vote without support from the majority of his caucus. The only way those House Republicans would vote for a DACA bill would be if trump suddenly got on board and told them to do it. But the chances of that happening are slim to none. Especially considering trump's base wants the Dreamers deported.

And don't tell me that public pressure could shame them into doing the right thing. trump and these Republicans feel no shame. They only care about what their psycho base wants.

I hate to say this but I think the Dreamers' only chance is if the Dems take back Congress in November. Between now and then they're screwed.


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