
Monday, October 16, 2017

I read an article on the Daily Beast late last night that kept me up practically all night.

The author wrote that two of the people who Trump has been consulting with on the Iran nuclear agreement were John Bolton and Sean Hannity. John Bolton, a.k.a. “The Angry Mustache” is bad enough, but Sean Hannity? Are you KIDDING ME? If brains were dynamite, Sean wouldn’t have the power to blow the wax out of his ears. He’s a propagandist. That’s ALL. And not even a very good one. And by the way, Trump still consults with Steve Bannon as well, he of the Alt-Reich Breitbart “News.”
That article gnawed at me so much, it kept my gears turning all night. Look at what’s become of us just since last year. Our Commander in Chief is clearly not a well man. I too sometimes try to laugh off his stupidity and ignorance, like the drunk at the party who puts the lampshade on his head, except this drunk has 4,480 nukes. And the electoral college has seen fit to entrust him with the football.
Funny/not funny. Downright terrifying.
Everybody in Washington knows Trump’s nuttier than a gunny sack full of pecans. Tillerson certainly knows it. So do Kelly, McMaster and Mattis. Not that I’m a great fan of any of them, but these are military people, men of discipline, and patriots. I believe they’ve made a pact to prevent the unthinkable. While Trump is getting advice from Sean Hannity on how to deal with Iran... Sean fucking Hannity!!... Trump’s Trinity is trying to walk him back. It’s like the old Warner Brothers cartoon with the little devil sitting on Sylvester’s shoulder, whispering advice in his ear, and the little angel whispering advice in the other ear.
Only this is no cartoon. It’s as real as... as thermonuclear war. Presumably, the dynamic duo of Hannity & Bolton are also guiding our deranged leader on how to handle Pugsley in North Korea as well. Yes, very comforting. Why listen to career diplomats and foreign policy experts when you’ve got those two?
We’re living in surreal times. If a cop pulls you over for driving erratically, and you’ve got a blood/alcohol content of .08, you’re going to the hoosegow. Why, because you’re evil? No. Because you’re a threat to the public.
When you apply for a job as a train engineer, a pilot, a Greyhound Bus driver, etc., you have to take a series of tests to make sure you’re mentally up to the task. Why, do they have something against the mentally handicapped? Aren’t they discriminating against the mentally ill? No. Again, because it’s their duty to protect the public.
Yet here we are, October 2017, and we have a mentally unfit sociopath at the helm. His mental health is no longer in question. There are literally thousands of psychologists and psychiatrists all across the country who’ve diagnosed him from afar, just none officially. Which once addressed, would end this bizarre charade via the 25th Amendment.
Get a few martinis in Rex Tillerson, and ask him if Trump is mentally fit. Or Sen. Bob Corker. Or Reince Priebus. Or Jeff Sessions. Or just about any White House staffer who’s seen Trump under pressure, and witnessed his tantrums. The man in the Oval Office playing brinksmanship games with Iran and North Korea IS NOT SANE.
And yet, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, the murderous thug Wayne LaPierre at the NRA, the “Values Voters Council,” they’re all playing along as if this is the game of the century. For them, Trump in the White House is a golden opportunity to get their agendas through. So they pretend to not notice the madness taking place before their eyes. “Sign here Mr. President. Oh, and here too Mr. President.” Never mind the fact that after decades of U.S. presidents and world leaders pulling the doomsday clock back, away from nuclear Armageddon, it’s once again ticking forward due 100% to this chaotic administration.
We can’t predict with any certainty exactly when or how the Trump era will end, but of this much I’m certain: It won’t end well for Trump, nor will it end at a time or in a manner of his choosing. Eventually, once he’s no longer useful to them, McConnell or Ryan will suddenly address the orange elephant in the room and announce; “Oh my goodness, if only we’d known about his mental illness sooner!”
Meanwhile, fear not citizens of the Earth, Hannity, Bannon and Bolton have the president’s ear.
You can’t make it up.
Bruce Lindner


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