
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Trump suppressing the facts

Robert Reich

When the Trump administration doesn’t like facts that contradict what it wants to hear, it ignores them, or pushes its own “alternative facts” while claiming the real facts are fake, or tries to delegitimize the institution that provides them.

But now it's gone a step further by suppressing a report coming out of Trump’s own Department of Health and Human Services -- showing that refugees have brought in $63 billion more in government revenues over the last decade than they cost in government services.

This contradicts a central Trump argument – made even today at the United Nations – that refugees are too costly for America to continue taking in as many as before.Trump faces an Oct. 1 deadline to decide on an allowable number.

White House officials such as Stephen Miller say the HHS analysis is faulty because it takes into account the contributions refugees make by paying taxes — something they dismiss as "politically motivated." Instead, these officials say, the study should only have factored in refugees’ cost in public services. So they’re deep-sixing the study.

This is called policy making under Donald Trump. It's fact free.

Please spread the truth.


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