
Thursday, August 03, 2017

Democratic lawmakers ask Coast Guard to reconsider Potomac River shutdowns during Trump golf outings (hunter) · Sunday, July 23, 2017, 8:49 pm

Because Donald Trump will not stop golfing and doesn't care how many people he inconveniences for each and every outing, the Coast Guard is now planning to close the Potomac River for a two-mile stretch every time Trump visits his Potomac-adjacent self-named Northern Virginia golf course. This will be done in the name of security.

Two Democratic members of Congress are politely asking the Coast Guard if perhaps they can find a less onerous way to protect Captain Shouty McPutinfluffer during each weekend's interminable golf outings.

Reps. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) and John Garamendi (D-Calif.) say the new Coast Guard proposal goes too far to inconvenience recreational boaters who use that popular stretch of the river — including a kayak program aiding wounded war veterans.

“That’s a very heavily utilized part of the Potomac,” DeFazio told The Hill on Thursday. “Closing the entire river randomly — because the president’s schedule isn’t announced in advance — would be incredibly disruptive. It’ll hurt commercial outfitters; it’s going to ruin people’s vacations. … And I think it’s unnecessary.
“The most polite alternative would be for Trump to recognize that he’s screwing up other people’s vacations and lives.”

Why this is needed is unclear; the White House steadfastly refuses to admit that Trump, seen at various times wearing golf shoes and golf gloves and in the company of guests towing golf bags behind them, is going golfing during these outings. So it shouldn't be an issue.

The two Democrats have written Coast Guard head Adm. Paul Zukunft to ask him to consider a less-encompassing security zone, and are hoping he will respond to their concerns when he appears before the Transportation Committee next Tuesday. At the moment, however, it looks like Donald Trump will indeed shut down traffic up and down the Potomac every future time he visits his club. Which is, at this point, approximately every sodding weekend. If you live in the area, get used to not being able to use the river for long stretches of time, with little to zero notice, because Donald doesn't give a rat's ass about what your weekend plans might be.


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