
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Trump boots second government employee from current post after Breitbart attacks them by name (hunter) · Saturday, April 22, 2017, 4:53 pm

For at least the second time, the Trump administration has reassigned a government employee after that civil employee was targeted by name in a smear campaign by conspiracy-peddling far-right websites. What's going on here?

Some State Department officials believe the individual, Sahar Nowrouzzadeh, was shifted because of the media attacks and are alarmed at the message such a move sends to civil service and foreign service employees, who are supposed to be protected by law from political retaliation. [...]
Her yearlong assignment was cut short earlier this month, after critical stories about her and others appeared in the Conservative Review and on Breitbart News, according to the State Department official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the matter. Nowrouzzadeh did not want to be reassigned, according to the official.

Nowrouzzadeh came under fire from the Breitbartites for her Iranian-American ethnicity, for her role helping to craft the Iranian nuclear deal, and for the usual "alt-right" racist drivel supposing that her college-aged work as an intern for an Iranian-American group was truly a front for blah blah burpfart blah. (The pattern of targeting individual Americans for conspiracy-laden smearing will be familiar to any watcher of the far-right, from 12-year old S-chip recipients to charity workers to career civil servants.)

While career government officials are in theory protected from being fired in partisan purges, they aren't protected from being reassigned out of their jobs and into others. This is the second time Breitbart conspiracy-laden attacks on named government officials have immediately preceded the Trump administration doing just that; you could forgive a person for coming to the obvious conclusion that the critters scurrying around the current office are purging government offices based on the conspiracy theories they read on far-right websites. We know, after all, that Donald Trump is prone to believing anything he reads on Twitter.


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