
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Washington Post Just Busted Ivanka Trump In A Major Scandal



Ivanka Trump, as a member of her father’s administration, is now an ambassador for her father’s populist rhetoric; a defender of the working man who has sworn to “Buy American, Hire American!” But like her father, she is an outrageous hypocrite who feels no shame at making a fortune off the backs of exploited foreign workers.

The Washington Post has just discovered that the factory which produces the clothes sold under the Ivanka Trump fashion brand pays its workers $62 a week for 60 hours of work – or barely a dollar per hour.

Operated by the G-III Apparel Group, the eighty workers at this factory toil for slave-wages 360 days a year to produce the garments that Ivanka sells for hundreds of dollars.

An audit of the factory found more than two dozen violations of international labor standards.

Fewer than a third of the factory’s workers were offered legally mandated coverage under China’s “social insurance” benefits, including a pension and medical, maternity, unemployment and work-related injury insurance, inspectors found. The factory also did not contribute, as legally required, to a fund designed to help workers afford housing, inspectors said.

Inspectors also cited the factory for a number of workplace safety concerns. It did not train loading workers on safety techniques or provide employees with equipment that could reduce injury, including lifting belts or seats with backrests.
It’s obvious that Ivanka Trump is not “very much about empowering women in the workplace” like she swore she was during this morning’s W-20 summit in Germany since the factory that has shipped 110 tons of clothing since October for her multi-million dollar business doesn’t even offer maternity leave or health insurance to the workers it treats more like slaves than like employees.

Ivanka Trump’s sales have been booming since her father took office – in no small part thanks to the fact that the White House has been promoting her products. Her father infamously attacked the Nordstrom department store chain for dropping the Ivanka brand earlier and Senior White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway told FOX News to “go buy Ivanka’s stuff” in a clear violation of ethics rules.

Ivanka still has an ownership stake in her business, which has been ostensibly placed in a “blind trust.” It is deplorable to see Ivanka pretending to care about the rights of working women and to call herself a feminist while making a killing off the blood, sweat, and tears off backs of Chinese men and women who work longer in a year than Trump has her entire life.


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