
Friday, April 28, 2017

Hate group leader: Our allies 'are now very well placed' in the Trump administration (gabe Ortiz) · Tuesday, April 25, 2017, 4:10 pm

Yes, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign emboldened white supremacists and extremists, with a wave of hate crimes sweeping the nation in the immediate days following his popular vote loss to Hillary Clinton. White nationalists like Steve Bannon and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have found a new home in the administration, and as the New York Times recently noted, a number of lesser known but equally deplorable anti-immigrant voices have joined right alongside them:

Mr. Trump’s senior White House adviser, Stephen Miller, worked tirelessly to defeat immigration reform as a staff member for Senator Jeff Sessions, now the attorney general. Gene P. Hamilton, who worked on illegal immigration as Mr. Sessions’s counsel on the Judiciary Committee, is now a senior counselor at the Department of Homeland Security, the parent agency of the Border Patrol and ICE, where Mr. Feere is working. Julia Hahn, who wrote about immigration for Breitbart — with headlines like “Republican-Led Congress Oversees Large-Scale Importation of Somali Migrants” — has followed her former boss, Stephen K. Bannon, to the White House as a deputy policy strategist.

Daniel Tichenor, an immigration politics scholar at the University of Oregon, called it “highly unusual” in the post-World War II era to have proponents of sharply reduced immigration in such high-ranking positions.

“You would have to go to the 1920s and 1930s to find a comparable period in which you could point to people within the executive agencies and the White House who favored significant restrictions,” Mr. Tichenor said.

The ghoulish Miller helped Bannon draft Trump’s failed Muslim bans, and was personally responsible for derailing the second one in court after boasting on cable news that "fundamentally, you’re still going to have the same basic policy outcome." Not the smartest bunch, but dangerous nonetheless. Miller’s extremism stretches back years, with neo-Nazi Richard Spencer calling him a college buddy and high school classmates recalling him making numerous racist remarks about Latinos and other people of color. No wonder he’s received such high praise from Trump and Sessions.


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