
Monday, February 27, 2017

Sean Spicer searching his staff's personal phones in attempt to find White House leakers

By Hunter  
Sunday Feb 26, 2017 · 3:00 PM EST

The White House is in full meltdown mode over the leaks of unflattering information about Donald Trump coming from inside their own building. Now we learn White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer is searching his staff's personal phones in an attempt to find the leakers.

Last week, after Spicer became aware that information had leaked out of a planning meeting with about a dozen of his communications staffers, he reconvened the group in his office to express his frustration over the number of private conversations and meetings that were showing up in unflattering news stories, according to sources in the room.
Upon entering Spicer’s second floor office, staffers were told to dump their phones on a table for a “phone check," to prove they had nothing to hide.
What a nice work environment that sounds like. You don't just have to spend your days constantly fluffing Donald Trump. You don't just have to work for Sean Spicer, a man who would lie about whether or not he was standing right there in front of you if lying about it would make your Pumpkinfuhrer feel better about himself, but you get summoned to Spicertown to prove that you aren't his personal enemy. Outstanding.

Hey, guess what happened next:

Spicer also warned the group of more problems if news of the phone checks and the meeting about leaks was leaked to the media.
Oh well. I guess even your own team just doesn’t respect you, Sean. Can’t imagine why.

Imagine if the Republican Party was a tenth as eager to investigate the connections between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian intelligence, or any dozen of the worst Trump conflicts of interest caused by his eager mix of business and government interests, or whether Trump's taxes really do show collusion between himself and Russian-tied organized crime, as the Trump White House is to root out anyone who says mildly bad things about them. Wouldn't that be a hoot.

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