
Monday, February 20, 2017

Column: Translating Trump's words into English

President Donald Trump called the news media, in general, "fake" roughly 20 times during his 90-minute news conference.

Rex Huppke

If you watched President Donald Trump's most recent news conference, you may have reached a point midway through when you thought: "That's strange, I don't recall buying a one-way ticket to Crazytown."

Don't be alarmed. That's a perfectly normal reaction, as most Americans are what I call "Trump-illiterate." They hear words coming out of the president's mouth but have no clue what those words actually mean.

For example, during his Thursday news conference, Trump talked about leaks coming from the intelligence community, saying, "The leaks are absolutely real. The news is fake."

Saying that a thing is real but reports about that thing are fake might seem like a logical fallacy. It's not, and Trump would call you very dumb for thinking such a thing. (That wouldn't be an insult. In Trumpglish, "very dumb" translates to "I'm frustrated because you're asking something I don't want to answer.")

The rough Trumpglish-to-English translation of "The leaks are absolutely real. The news is fake" is: "The leaks are absolutely real, which sucks. The news is also real, but I'm not going to admit it ever, ever, ever, ever."

Having majored in Trumpglish at Trump University, I'm happy to help my fellow citizens adapt to this new and wildly predictable language.

Here, then, is a list of commonly used Trumpglish words and phrases followed by their English translation.

Bad: Generally means "good," particularly when applied to something good that Trump considers bad.

Good: Not good at all. Trumpglish synonyms of this word include "the best," "the greatest," "spectacular," "amazing" and "so amazing."

Fake news: Real news that makes Trump look bad.

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