
Friday, December 30, 2016

CORRUPTION: Trump’s Co-Chair Just Gave the Worst Excuse For Calling Michelle Obama A “Gorilla”

By Christine Branch Posted on December 28, 2016

Instead of apologizing for his disturbingly racist comments against the First Family, Trump’s New York co-chair, Carl Paladino, is trying anything to excuse himself, saying that his offensive remarks were okay because they were only meant for his friends.

He told Artvoice:

“I filled out the survey to send to a couple friends and forwarded it to them not realizing that I didn’t hit ‘forward’ I hit ‘reply,’” said Paladino. “All men make mistakes.”

“I could not have made a worse choice in the words I used to express my feelings,” stated Paladino. “I don’t intend to yield to the fanatics among my adversaries. I certainly am not a racist.

In true Republican fashion, Paladino only regrets the language he used to express his racist feeling. He feels no remorse at the remarks themselves, offering only the unsubstantiated, “I am not a racist,” which has no value considering his extraordinarily racist comments.

Just last week, Paladino responded to Artvoice’s question of what he would “most like to happen in 2017.” His answers are sickening:

“Obama catches mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Herford,” he wrote. “He dies before his trial and is buried in a cow pasture next to Valerie Jarret, who died weeks prior, after being convicted of sedition and treason, when a Jihady cell mate mistook her for being a nice person and decapitated her.”

Note—Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser to Obama, is African American.

When innocently asked what he would like to see “go away” in the coming year, he outlandishly responded:

“Michelle Obama,” he wrote to Artvoice. “I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.”

These statements sound like they are coming from a deranged psychopath—to acknowledge that a member of the incoming president’s team thought out and wrote these answers is deeply sinister.

Paladino’s son has spoken out against him, as has New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) and, surprisingly, the Trump campaign. However, this is not enough for Paladino to do the responsible thing—and the only respectable thing in this situation—to step down from the Buffalo Board of Education. In spite of thousands signing a position to oust him, Paladino continues to insult the state of New York and America with his unyielding, unforgivable presence.

“I’m not leaving the school board, not when it’s time to help implement the real choice elements of Trump’s plan for education reform,” he penned in his same faux apology letter.

The Board of Ed. will meet on Thursday to make a decision about Paladino’s standing within the organization. Hopefully the board confirms what we already know, that there is no way Paladino is fit to have anything to do with education, and he is an embarrassment by association.

In a statement about Paladino, Janai Nelson, associate director-counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund summed up the crux of the issue, saying, “Mr. Paladino’s race-based assessment of President and Mrs. Obama’s qualifications cannot be reconciled with his mandate to ensure that all of the children of Buffalo receive a quality education,” she continued. “To the contrary, Mr. Paladino’s racist tropes can and will have an especially insidious impact on Buffalo’s children of color, who will be expected to accept that someone who is entrusted with their educational development links blackness to inhumanity.”

Indeed, nowhere in Paladino’s apology was there any legitimacy. He could not even spell the Obama’s fist names correctly, calling Michelle, “Michele” and Barack, “Barak.” This is the very epitome of disrespect, and it is not funny—no matter what your politics.

Republican Representative Peter King from N.Y. agrees that there is “no humor” in Paladino’s ramblings, encouraging the Trump team to completely cut ties with him. “You can say things that are politically incorrect. You can say things that you consider a dark humor. But, no, that was totally disgraceful really,” King continued. “If they don’t sever him now, they have to say that one more time like that and you’re gone.”

Paladino has tried to cover his tail, blaming the Obama’s, blaming his gender, and blaming anyone, or anything, other than himself for his insane remarks. He refuses to admit he is a racist although his racism is strikingly obvious. In spite of the world watching, Paladino is incapable of considering anyone but himself. If he will not step down, he will have to be taken down, in the name of people of color across this nation and in the world. This type of flagrant racism cannot go unpunished.


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