
Friday, November 18, 2016

#MAGA-Liar: Top 8 Campaign Broken Promises In Under 7 Days

November 14, 2016
Jen Froderman, Elections

So many right wingers said they liked the new President-elect Donald Trump because he was honest. “He tells it like it is,” they said, and they meant that he says what they think. “He isn’t politically correct,” they said, which means he is more honest and trustworthy to them. So, he won the election because 25.5 percent of the country voted for him and the Electoral college, not the popular vote, will most likely propel him to White House. Not even a week has passed, and he is already abandoning those who voted for him and proving what Liberals warned of throughout the election: you can not trust a man who lies 70 percent of the time.

Conservatives may want to start looking into a lemon law, or consider contacting their own Electoral College Electors to tell them that Trump is not what they thought he was going to be. He used these people for their votes, it appears, because now that he won he isn’t even sticking with the program until he is inaugurated. He didn’t even stick with them for 7 days. Not even a week.

Here is a quick list of the apparent reversal, revamps, and “refinements” that have happened so far. (We can’t say comprehensive, because this is happening really fast, and we could have missed some.):

Trump has waffled down from 20 million deportations down to 2-3 million. He has also metamorphosised from “rapist and not the best people,” to saying they are “terrific people that we will have to make a determination on.”
The Great Wall of Mexico may be a glorified fence, and a wall in “some places.”
Trump now says same-sex marriage is settled because it is, but that didn’t stop him from using it to dupe evangelicals and homophobes.
When it comes to repealing Obamacare, he suddenly wants to keep the parts that work. Unlike his promise to trash the whole law and replace it with something “really great.”
Drain the Swamp, a catchy hashtag used to promise that Trump would get rid of the corporate corruption and career politicians turned out to mean “put those people in my cabinet.“
Lock ‘er up! The cry that made the whole country hold their breath. Yeah, he isn’t sure any more if he will do that, either. Donald Trump is now “thinking about it,” because he doesn’t want to hurt the Clintons. (Or, he found out presidents aren’t kings and he doesn’t get to do that.)
Trump will likely not “Tear Up” the Iran Peace Agreement (according to surrogates), just yell about it a lot. Oh, and he most likely won’t be moving the embassy to Jerusalem like he said either.
As a bonus, if Rudy Giuliani is to be believed, the “Blind Trust” that Trump was going to set up to make his presidency less of a conflict of interest isn’t happening, either.
None of this is set in stone, of course, and it would be a “fool us twice” moment to believe him now when nothing he has said up to this point indicates he will suddenly start being honest. Even though it appears that (if he isn’t lying again) a Donald Trump presidency may be less deadly than previously thought, this proves that he was exactly what we said he was, a liar. It also appears that he won under false pretenses, and is now trying to woo moderates that he will need for re-election while abandoning the zealots he needed to win this time.

It boggles the mind Republicans had any different expectations, really, because as Politifact said, “Trump himself put it best in February: ‘Everything is negotiable.'” He means that; we know because it is played out through his life like a theme song.

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