
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Howard Dean Just Called Stephen Bannon The One Word The Media Won’t

By Colin Taylor Posted on November 21, 2016

The mainstream media has already begun the process of whitewashing and downplaying the extremism of Donald Trump’s appointees and the vile people who support them. Using euphemisms like “white nationalist” or “alt-right,” major news outlets refuse to call them out for being what they really are.

Former Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean, however, has no such compunctions. In an interview with a Canadian magazine, Dean labeled Trump’s Chief Strategist, Stephen Bannon, for what he really is, and expressed his overall frustration with Trump’s appointments:

“[Trump] is a complicated guy. He appoints a reasonable person, who’s much more conservative than I am, but for somebody who can talk to as chief of staff and then his senior adviser is a Nazi. He’s anti-Semitic, he’s anti-black and he’s anti-women. It’s a big word, and I don’t usually use it unless somebody’s really anti-Semitic, really misogynist and really anti-black.”

All this nonsense talk about “white nationalism” and the “alt-right” is simply a cover for what they really believe – in the theories of racial superiority and ethnic purity that motivated the Nazi Party of Germany to commit genocide. Stephen Bannon’s website, Breitbart, has been a vocal megaphone for racist, pro-white and anti-Semitic ideology. His hiring was loudly celebrated by neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan, and in case there was any doubt over the connection, a “white nationalist” conference was just held in Washington D.C. over the weekend, where attendees gave the Nazi salute and shouted “Sieg Heil!” The mass of swastikas spray-painted across the country is further evidence that this is not just your regular bunch of racists.

Just read this description of the “white nationalist conference:”

But now [Richard Spencer’s] tone changed as he began to tell the audience of more than 200 people, mostly young men, what they had been waiting to hear. He railed against Jews and, with a smile, quoted Nazi propaganda in the original German. America, he said, belonged to white people, whom he called the “children of the sun,” a race of conquerors and creators who had been marginalized but now, in the era of President-elect Donald J. Trump, were “awakening to their own identity.”

As he finished, several audience members had their arms outstretched in a Nazi salute. When Mr. Spencer, or perhaps another person standing near him at the front of the room — it was not clear who — shouted, “Heil the people! Heil victory,” the room shouted it back.

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