
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

An Insider's View: The Dark Rigidity of Fundamentalist Rural America

[Some excerpts from a pretty good article that I think explains a LOT of people in  America - many in the Bible belt, but some on the coasts as well.  The link is at the botton - you might want to read the whole article. ---Bozo]

Rural, Christian, white America is entrenched in fundamentalist belief systems. They don’t trust people outside their tribe, and truly believe whites are superior to all races.

By Forsetti's Justice / AlterNet November 20, 2016

This is why I think the whole, “Democrats have to understand and find common ground with rural America,” is misguided and a complete waste of time. When a three-thousand-year-old book that was written by uneducated, pre-scientific people, subject to translation innumerable times, edited with political and economic pressures from Popes and kings, is given higher intellectual authority than facts arrived at from a rigorous, self-critical, constantly re-evaluating system that can and does correct mistakes, no amount of understanding, no amount of respect, no amount of evidence is going to change their minds, assuage their fears.

The problem isn’t a lack of understanding by “coastal elites” of rural, Christian, white America.  The problem is a lack of understanding why rural, Christian, white America believes, votes, behaves the ways it does by rural, Christian, white America.

How do you make climate change personal to someone who believes only God can alter the weather?  How do you make racial equality personal to someone who believes whites are naturally superior to non-whites? How do you make gender equality personal to someone who believes women are supposed to be subservient to men by God’s command?  How do you get someone to view minorities as not threatening personal to people who don’t live around and never interact with them?  How do you make personal the fact massive tax cuts and cutting back government hurts their economic situation when they’ve voted for these for decades?  I don’t think you can without some catastrophic events.  And maybe not even then.  The Civil War was pretty damn catastrophic yet a large swath of the South believed and still believes they were right, had the moral high ground.  They were/are also mostly Christian fundamentalists who believe they are superior because of the color of their skin and the religion they profess to follow.  There is a pattern here for anyone willing to connect the dots.   “Rural, white America needs to be better understood,” is not one of the dots.  “Rural, white America needs to be better understood,” is a dodge, meant to avoid the real problems because talking about the real problems is viewed as “too upsetting,” “too mean,” “too arrogant,” “too elite,” “too snobbish.”  Pointing out Aunt Bee’s views of Mexicans, blacks, gays…is bigoted isn’t the thing one does in polite society.  Too bad more people don’t think the same about the views Aunt Bee has. It’s the classic, “You’re a racist for calling me a racist,” ploy.  Or, as it is more commonly known, “I know you are but what am I?

 A significant number of rural America believes President Obama was in charge when the financial crisis started.  An even higher number believe the mortgage crisis was the result of the government forcing banks to give loans to unqualified minorities.  It doesn’t matter how untrue both of these are, they are gospel in rural America.  Why reevaluate your beliefs and voting patterns when scapegoats are available?

The honest truths that rural, Christian, white Americans don’t want to accept and until they do nothing is going to change, are:

-Their economic situation is largely the result of voting for supply-side economic policies that have been the largest redistribution of wealth from the bottom/middle to the top in U.S. history.
-Immigrants haven’t taken their jobs.  If all immigrants, legal or otherwise, were removed from the U.S., our economy would come to a screeching halt and prices on food would soar.
-Immigrants are not responsible for companies moving their plants overseas. Almost exclusively white business owners are the ones responsible because they care more about their share holders who are also mostly white than they do American workers.
-No one is coming for their guns.  All that has been proposed during the entire Obama administration is having better background checks.
-Gay people getting married is not a threat to their freedom to believe in whatever white God you want to.  No one is going to make their church marry gays, make gays your pastor, accept gays for membership.
-Women having access to birth control doesn’t affect their life either, especially women who they complain about being teenage, single mothers.
-Blacks are not “lazy moochers living off their hard earned tax dollars” anymore than many of your fellow rural neighbors.  People in need are people in need.  People who can’t find jobs because of their circumstances, a changing economy, outsourcing overseas, etc. belong to all races.  
-They get a tremendous amount of help from the government they complain does nothing for them.  From the roads and utility grids they use to the farm subsidies, crop insurance, commodities protections…they benefit greatly from government assistance.  The Farm Bill is one of the largest financial expenditures by the U.S. government.  Without government assistance, their lives would be considerably worse.
-They get the largest share of Food Stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.
-They complain about globalization but line up like everyone else to get the latest Apple product.  They have no problem buying foreign-made guns, scopes, and hunting equipment.  They don’t think twice about driving trucks whose engine was made in Canada, tires made in Japan, radio made in Korea, computer parts made in Malaysia…
-They use illicit drugs as much as any other group.  But, when other people do it is a “moral failing” and they should be severely punished, legally.  When they do it, it is a “health crisis” that needs sympathy and attention.
-When jobs dry up for  whatever reasons, they refuse to relocate but lecture the poor in places like Flint for staying in towns that are failing.
-They are quick to judge minorities for being “welfare moochers” but don’t think twice about cashing their welfare check every month.
-They complain about coastal liberals, but the taxes from California and New York are what covers their farm subsidies, helps maintain their highways, and keeps their hospitals in their sparsely populated areas open for business.
-They complain about “the little man being run out of business” then turn around and shop at big box stores.
-They make sure outsiders are not welcome, deny businesses permits to build, then complain about businesses, plants opening up in less rural areas.
-Government has not done enough to help them in many cases but their local and state governments are almost completely Republican and so too are their Representatives and Senators.  Instead of holding them accountable, they vote them in over and over and over again.
-All the economic policies and ideas that could help rural America belong to the Democratic Party: raising the minimum wage, strengthening unions, infrastructure spending, reusable energy growth, slowing down the damage done by climate change, healthcare reform…all of these and more would really help a lot of rural Americans.
Read the entire article

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