
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Ted Cruz is betting Trump will lose disastrously in November and he can pick up the pieces

Dara Lind · Thursday, July 21, 2016, 12:05 am

Let’s dispel with this fiction that Ted Cruz doesn’t know what he’s doing. Ted Cruz knows exactly what he’s doing.

Ted Cruz just launched his campaign for the 2020 presidential nomination.

You’d be forgiven if you didn’t notice. When Cruz strode off the stage at the Republican National Convention, after delivering a speech in which he urged Americans to "vote your conscience" and didn’t mention the name of his own party’s nominee, the Trump-supporting crowd in the arena was livid. Cruz left to overwhelming chants of "Trump!" and "Endorse Trump!" His wife, Heidi, had to be escorted off the convention floor by security as Trump supporters shouted, "Goldman Sachs!" at her.

But by upsetting the Republican Party of 2016, Cruz is positioning himself to be the man who saves the party after the year is over. He’s making a bet: that Donald Trump will fail catastrophically in November and the Republican Party’s next leader will be someone who wasn’t implicated in the catastrophe. Ted Cruz wants to be that someone.

Think of it like the Cabinet secretary designated to stay in the bunker during the State of the Union address. Cruz is readying himself to emerge after the nuclear disaster of an epic defeat at the hands of Hillary Clinton, survey the wreckage, and assume command of the party to help it rebuild.

Cruz cozied up to Trump when other Republicans stayed away. Now he’s staying away as they cozy up.

What made Cruz’s convention speech so remarkable is that during the presidential primary, even as candidates like Jeb Bush and John Kasich made a point of denouncing Trump for his inflammatory rhetoric, Ted Cruz buddied up to Trump.

The two of them co-headlined a rally in Washington, DC, against the US-Iran nuclear deal. Cruz refused to criticize Trump’s more incendiary comments, no matter how many times he was asked. Even in December, as it began to look like a two-man race, Cruz refused to turn the cannons on Trump.

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