
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

RNC - the first night

Robert Reich

I’ve spent most of the day in meetings in Washington with people who have devoted their adult lives to improving the environment, protecting worker’s rights, strengthening public health, or improving the lot of poor and working-class Americans. All are deeply frightened at the prospect of a Trump presidency.

Tonight, in a hotel room, I’m watching the Orwellian spectacle of the Republican convention...

... Where a Pat Smith says “Donald Trump is for unity, but Hillary Clinton promotes division,” and Melania Trump says “Donald represents all of the people not just some of the people” – without acknowledging the hatefulness Trump has legitimized in America.

... Where a black sheriff says “half of Americans now worry about crime and violence,” without mentioning the mass proliferation of guns and assault weapons, and the militarization of our police.

... Where Republican Senator Tom Cotton says “we’ve seen what happens when the U.S. leads from behind,” without mentioning that the crises in the Middle East began when George W. Bush led America into Iraq for no reason and lied to America about “weapons of mass destruction.”

... Where a retired head of the Defense Intelligence Agency calls Barack Obama “a weak, spineless president” without mentioning that he managed to track and kill Osama bin Laden.

... Where Republican Senator Joni Ernst says “terrorists from ISIS are in every one of our fifty states” without acknowledging that nearly every act of terrorism in America since 9/11 has been committed by an American citizen.

... Where thousands of delegates chant “lock her up!” whenever Hillary Clinton’s name is mentioned.
I spent the day with people who have given hope to millions of Americans, and end it witnessing a cynical spectacle fueled by fear and anger.

What do you think?

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