
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Trump's economic philosophy.

Robert Reich

The corporate raider Carl Icahn began purchasing shares of Apple in 2013, and eventually owned more than 50 million, almost 1 percent. That was enough to allow him to pressure Apple to buy back shares — and Apple has spent more than $100 billion doing so. Icahn sold his shares this spring for a tidy profit of $2 billion. But Icahn never invested a dollar in Apple itself. He bought his shares from other investors, and then sold them to a third set of investors. Apple’s shares are now below what the company paid for them, according to a special report by “Marketplace” on the American corporation. Icahn is a gambler whose sole interest is making money for himself, not building companies or growing the U.S. economy.

Oh, and by the way, Donald Trump says he wants Carl Icahn as his Treasury Secretary.

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