
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

House fights imaginary battle against baby body parts while real threat to infants looms (mark Sumner) · Friday, April 22, 2016, 11:04 am

At both the state and federal level, Republicans are going all in on the fantasy of the trade in dissected babies.

The special House committee formed by Republicans last year to probe threats to “infant lives” held its second hearing Wednesday, training its focus on whether abortion clinics have illegally profited from the sale of fetal tissue for medical research.

Despite being caught in multiple lies, despite indictments against the producers of the video that triggered this whole round of witch hunts, despite hours of testimony and stacks of documents that have revealed no wrongdoing, Republicans are not going to let this go. As with Bennnghazzzi! they have every intention of shouting fire until everyone is convinced they smelled a little smoke.

But while the Republicans fiddle…

… a week after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the link between the Zika virus and a devastating birth defect, House Republicans have yet to act on a $1.9 billion White House request for emergency funding to combat the tropical epidemic.

Not surprisingly, Republicans are using the most powerful move in GOP-jitsu: pretend ignorance.

GOP leaders, including House Speaker Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, say they are open to providing more funding for the Zika response once the Obama administration answers questions about its request.

Zika virus? No money till we know more. Planned Parenthood? No money till we know more. Climate change? No money till we know more. But there are some things they want to know more than others.

… their cautious approach in responding to the virus, now strongly linked to infant microcephaly, stands in contrast to the aggressive probe now being waged into fetal tissue procurement and research practices by the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives.

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