
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Political posters

Transforming American democracy

I had thought of this myself. Has Congress ever been taken to court by the President?

Donald Trump - one billion brain cells short of being human.

Is this legit? Bernie gets criticized for his gesticulating - Cruz gets criticized for his looks - Trump for his hair. Maybe Hillary is just too sensitive? If she plays the sexism card too often, it could take her down.

Government welfare.

Hey - at least he didn't bankrupt the state.

Trump loves the bankruptcy laws -he takes his profit then stiffs his investors.

Economic security for the workers.

We're wasting our children's heritage. Rebuild America's infrastructure NOW!

It all begins with believing in the religious fantasy - from there you can believe ANY lies sent in your direction.

Our nomination process is turning into an IQ test.

Biting sarcasm on the teacher shortage.

You don't have to think to buy into a lie.

Ted Cruz is running for President - and he's so bad he's losing to Trump.

Snyder doesn't belong in government - he belongs in jail. 
Not sure if it's an accurately attributed quote, but it explains why Trump is leading in the GOP.

Abortions are always being decided by men you don't know.

Republicans - skimming off your tax dollars and providing nothing in return.

Trump goes on a violence rampage.

Not giving up on Bernie Sanders.

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