
Monday, February 01, 2016

Right-wing alert:

From Robert Reich
Richmond, CA ·

Americans can amend the Constitution in two ways, according to Article V of the Constitution: (1) The first is for Congress to propose an amendment with two-thirds majority in both chambers that must then be ratified by three-quarters of the states. This route has been used to pass all 27 amendments that exist today. (2) The second requires two-thirds of states to call a convention for proposing amendments, but the Constitution is silent about who might attend such a convention and what it could or could not enact.

That’s a recipe for trouble – and, as you might expect, the trouble is coming from the Right and its billionaire patrons. Already, 27 states have active calls for a convention on a balanced budget amendment, which would force the federal government to pass budgets that don’t enlarge the national debt – thereby preventing the federal government from stimulating the economy during economic downturns. This means only 7 more states are needed in order to convene a constitutional convention.
It’s a real possibility: In just the first few weeks of this year's state legislative sessions, at least 10 states have bills pending that call for a convention. Even some Republican presidential candidates are endorsing it. National right-wing corporate fronts such as ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council) have been holding workshops and crafting model legislation to persuade state legislators to move on it.

Don’t be fooled by those who say such a convention would be an easy means for reversing “Citizens United” – or, at worst, for forging a compromise that accepts a balanced budget amendment in return for reversing "Citizens United." It’s far more dangerous than this. Once a constitutional convention is called, the constitutional issues considered by it can’t be limited. This means every constitutional right and protection provided Americans could be subject to change. As Harvard Law professor and leading constitutional scholar Lawrence Tribe has said, such a convention would be “putting the whole Constitution up for grabs.”

Consider yourself warned.

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