
Monday, February 29, 2016

Looking forward (mark Sumner) · Friday, February 26, 2016, 10:41 pm

You know what? I’m looking forward to improvements in the healthcare system that include a form of public option and reduction of the power of private insurance companies.

I’m looking forward to the appointment of a Supreme Court justice who will not just safeguard Roe v. Wade, but help to roll back the hundreds of restrictions and complications which have reduced a woman’s right to choose.

I’m looking forward to a broad, national effort to address climate change and at the same time boost the economy by focusing on new, clean energy technology.

I’m looking forward to a vast reduction in the mandatory sentences and unreasonably severe punishments applied for nonviolent offenses in the name of getting tough on crime.

I’m looking forward to more funding for early childhood education, for a massive expansion of affordable public colleges, and to a renewed focus on creativity in the classroom.

I’m looking forward to a thoughtful humane plan on immigration that will recognize the contribution of the many immigrants already in our nation who need a path to officially become American citizens.

I’m looking forward to some restrictions on the hidden carry, open carry, stand your ground, shoot to kill legislation that has driven up both violence and unease.

I’m looking forward to seeing our crumbling infrastructure replaced by modern, safe replacements that include smart alternatives in public and private transportation.

I’m looking forward to changes in the tax system that will rein in the out of control disparity between rich and poor and restore to our nation a healthy middle class with opportunity to achieve.

I’m looking forward to greater justice. Across races. Across sexes. Across genders. Across religions. Across social classes. I’m looking forward to all these things.

And you know who I think will give them to me?

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