
Friday, February 26, 2016

Child of Reagan Marco Rubio owes a debt to The Gipper (jon Perr) · Wednesday, February 24, 2016, 10:29 pm

Every four years, Republican White House wannabes climb over one another in the quest to proclaim themselves the heir to the sainted Ronald Reagan. So it was no surprise in South Carolina on Saturday when second-place finisher Marco Rubio proclaimed:

"The children of the Reagan Revolution are ready to assume the mantle of leadership. Now, those of us who grew up when it was morning in America, and Ronald Reagan was in the White House, are ready to do for our generation -- are ready to do for the next generation what Ronald Reagan did for ours."

In one sense, Senator Rubio is surely right. After all, Ronald Reagan came to the Oval Office promising to cut taxes, raise defense spending and balance the budget. Instead, in eight short years the Gipper tripled the entire national debt run up by the federal government over the previous 200-plus years of the Republic. Now, Reagan's child Marco Rubio is pledging to once again unleash oceans of red ink as far as the eye can see.

Here's why.

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