
Monday, December 28, 2015

Comments on America's new budget deal

From Robert Reich
December 18 at 7:52pm

Buried in the 2,000-page $1.8 trillion omnibus spending bill Congress just passed are two measures designed to stop campaign reform. (I've been keeping an eye on the bill, and the two were buried so deep I missed them completely. But you can bet Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell knew they were there):

(1) One prevents the Internal Revenue Service from moving ahead on new rules to curb the activities of nonprofit advocacy groups (so-called “social welfare organizations”) that don’t have to disclose their donors. This loophole is big enough for billionaires and big businesses to hide behind.

(2) The other measure stops the Securities and Exchange Commission from requiring corporations to disclose their campaign activities and spending to their own shareholders. Millions of investors and shareholder advocates have been pushing the SEC to take this step, on the grounds that shareholders have a right to know how their money is being spent on politics.

In light of these new restrictions, President Obama should issue an executive order requiring all corporations holding federal contracts to disclose their campaign activities. At the least, this would force about 20 percent of big businesses to reveal their political spending.

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