
Sunday, November 29, 2015

That didn't work out very well


Nov. 25, 2015. Not the brightest thing I've ever done – I cocked my handgun while out hunting, then shoved it in my pocket. While I was maneuvering around to get a good angle to watch for deer, the gun fired and shot me in the knee. So much for the adage, “guns don't shoot people.” Mine did. Luckily some friends were able to help me to the hospital.

November 25th, 2015. I shot myself in the leg, then drove myself to the hospital. Of course, the police were called, as they are for all shootings, and I told them a little white lie – I was so embarrassed. I made up a story about a drive-by shooting as I didn't care if I wasted their time tracking down an imaginary shooter, I was more interested in pretending I didn't do a stupid thing. I finally told the truth – that I was showing my gun to a friend when I accidentally discharged the weapon.

November 25, 2015. I was cleaning my gun today, attempting to dislodge a shell from the chamber when the gun fired. Did I mention I was in my place of work and that the bullet bounced off my desk, then hit the wall and passed through, careening across the desk of a female coworker? Luckily no one was hurt, not even me. And did I mention that I've had quite of bit of training with firearms? And before I forget, I should tell you that I'm a police officer.

Nov. 24, 2014. I had a hole in my hand today. I shot myself – not on purpose of course. And then I didn't want anyone to think I was that stupid, so I told the attending police officer that someone had tried to rob me. He didn't buy the story and I had to 'fess up.

November 25, 2015. I am 16 and not really supposed to be in possession of a gun, but I had one nonetheless. Then I accidentally fired the gun and critically wounded a 19-year-old women sitting in the front seat. Shot her in the back, I did. Because, you know, guns are toys meant to play with.

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