
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Checking in with conservative bloggers...

Poor and middle-class conservatives are just beside themselves over their hate for people who might be getting some help they themselves are not getting. And it almost always comes back to "welfare" which is their biggest bug-a-boo. Freeloaders, they claim, who don't work, who vote Demorcatic, and who are always just looking for a handout. Government taking the money right out of the average taxpayers pocket to give to some dope smoking, filthy, ugly, lazy, good-for-nothing bum. 

And as for those lazy-ass bitches with a house full of kids - let's force them to get married. The conservatives believe that if you just starve them long enough, force them to sleep in the streets, and deny them any health care or birth control, pretty soon they'll come to their senses.  They will be so desperate that they will marry some guy who will take care of them. Because, you know, after starving and living on the street, with those kids tagging along, any man would want them.

Check out the chart below for the people who will ACTUALLY suffer most if the welfare is denied.

Once again we face the problem that conservatives just can't think in complex terms. They are missing the fact that we have an entire segment of our population that is purposefully kept in poverty - their men are put in prison at a much higher proportion than whites. They are denied access to good schools. They are the last hired and the first fired in any economy. They are denied access to health insurance and health care, including birth control, so they can't control family size as easily as the middle class.

The selfishness of conservatives is based on a lack of ability to see our nation as a community that includes everyone. And in a community, people look out for one another.

God, I do hate conservatism and libertarianism. I wish there WAS a God, because I'm sure these people would rot in hell.

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