
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Obama to Congress in weekly address: When you get back in town, try doing your job

SAT AUG 22, 2015 AT 07:00 AM PDT
bySusan Gardner
... my Administration has been partnering with states and cities to help grow the middle class. Over the past few years, nearly 20 cities and counties have implemented paid sick days. Six states have enacted paid sick days or paid family leave. Seventeen states, and more than two dozen cities and counties, have raised their minimum wage. All of this will help working families. And across the country, folks are proving that preparing all our kids for the future doesn’t have to be a partisan issue. Seattle, a city with a Democratic mayor, just passed universal pre-k, while Indianapolis, a city with a Republican mayor, is starting citywide preschool scholarships. All told, 34 states have increased funding for preschool.
President Obama sent a pointed message to the Republican Congress this morning in his weekly address after extolling many of the economic growth partnerships between the federal government and states and cities. It's time to knock off the obstructionism and govern, he said, for the sake of the economy.
"Unfortunately," the president told listeners, "Congress left town for five full weeks – and they left behind a stack of unfinished business." 
That unfinished business included reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank and ... what was it? Oh, yeah. The federal budget.
Congress also hasn’t passed a budget – and when they return from vacation, they’ll only have a few weeks to do so, or shut down the government for the second time in two years. They’ve had all year to do this.
He closed with a final kick in the congressional pants.
Americans expect Congress to help keep our country strong and growing – not threaten to shut down our government. When Congress gets back, they should prevent a shutdown, pass a responsible budget, and prove that this is a country that looks forward – a country that invests in our future, and keeps our economy growing for all Americans.

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