
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Another Mass Shooting, but GOP Makes it Clear Some Lives Don’t Matter

Hrafnkell Haraldsson
Friday, July, 24th, 2015, 7:44 am
More Americans dead from gun violence, and Republicans have made it clear that some lives don’t matter. The trick, you see, is to be a white male, as has been noticed in the wake of a shooting in Lafayette, Louisiana:
Another mass shooting. But don’t hold your breath. After all, the killer was neither Muslim nor black, nor Hispanic. He was a white guy. He had Second Amendment rights. And anyway, neither he nor his gun killed anybody, we will be told. Liberal politics did.
Conservatives rightly decry the murder of Kathryn Steinle by an undocumented Mexican immigrant, but they don’t care that Sandra Bland died under mysterious circumstances while in police custody, or that Eric Garner was killed by New York police using a chokehold, or that Michael Brown was gunned down by a policeman in the middle of the street, in Ferguson, Missouri.
In Brown’s case, far from condemning police, Fox News’ Keith Ablow wanted Brown’s father charged in his death, not the policeman who gunned him down, and Bryan Fischer claimed Brown was demonically possessed (apparently we gun such people down in the street now without trial).
And of course, former NYPD detective Harry Houck, who works as a CNN contributor, told a panel there that Sandra Bland died because she was “arrogant from the very beginning.” So if you are deemed demonically possessed (read big black male), police will gun you down. And if you are arrogant, and die in custody, you only got what you deserved.
Even in the 16th century, when they were burning witches, you got a trial first, not summary execution.
It is a fact that on June 16, The Washington Post reported, “There have only been 9 days this year when the police have not killed somebody.”
Some news outlets put the number as high as 500 dead in the past six months, according to both The Guardian and Killed by the Police.Net. The Washington Post‘s own investigation showed nearly 400 dead as of the end of May.

The tally of killings – judicial murder, really – are, a month later, clearly worse.

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