
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Well Explosion Douses Texas Neighborhood Already Weary of Fracking

[Stupid Texans HATE the Federal Government, but it's the state that is taking away their rights - most recently denying towns and cities the right to ban fracking. If there was an asshole for the universe, I swear it's Texas. ---Bozo]

Blowout in an oil and gas well owned by Encana Corp. in Karnes County prompts evacuations and heightens frustrations.

By Lisa Song, InsideClimate News May 21, 2015
Jeanne Shepherd was on her way to a church gathering when an oil and gas well in Karnes County, Texas blew its top on Tuesday afternoon. A mixture of liquid petroleum products gushed high into the air. Some of it splashed onto Shepherd’s truck, coating her windshield in an opaque, milky film.
Shepherd said the well looked like the Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park. "It spewed and it spewed … It was all over everywhere, and I knew I wasn't going home that night," she said.
No one was injured, but families were left scrambling on how to respond. The blowout is only the most recent in a long line of life-altering consequences of the fracking boom in the Eagle Ford Shale. Shepherd was among those evacuated on Tuesday, which is not the first time oil and gas drilling has driven her from her once-idyllic home.
The well operator Encana Corp. — a Canadian company based in Calgary — de-pressurized the well and shut it down Thursday morning.
Encana spokesman Doug Hock said 15-20 families were evacuated for safety and Encana is paying for them to stay at a local hotel.
Source and photos

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