
Saturday, May 02, 2015

Bernie Sanders is running for President - two posters and an article

What Bernie Sanders thinks about the issues: a comprehensive primer

Andrew Prokop · Thursday, April 30, 2015, 12:51 pm
Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, now a presidential candidate, is the only socialist in Congress. But "he's a 'small S' socialist," professor Garrison Nelson of the University of Vermont told me last year. "He's not, 'Let's totally revamp the government, break up the corporations, create five-year plans.' He doesn't get out too far on an ideological limb."
Sanders resembles many in the Democratic Party by criticizing the excessive influence of the wealthy. But he takes things much further, both rhetorically and substantively - he thinks checking the power of billionaires and corporations is the defining issue in US politics today. He's most interested in economic issues, from inequality to trade, and as a result he's won a devoted following among liberals who think their party too frequently carries water for the rich.
But while Sanders wants a single-payer health care system, a carbon tax, and much more government spending on infrastructure and benefits, he isn't an uber-liberal on everything. On social issues like abortion, gun rights, and gay rights, he is squarely within the mainstream of the Democratic Party - not to its left. And while he's suspicious of foreign wars, he voices sympathy with Israel's security concerns and warns of the dangers of ISIS. Here's a guide to his views.
Move to a single-payer health care system
Overturn Citizens United, publicly fund elections
Combat climate change with a carbon tax
Don't cut Social Security - expand it (by taxing the wealthy more)
More spending on infrastructure, less on defense
Don't tax the middle class more - they're already getting squeezed
Raise the minimum wage quite a lot
Supports immigration reform - but not guest worker programs for unskilled labor
Does not support drug legalization
Label foods with GMO ingredients
Supports more gun control - but hasn't always
Much more government funding for higher education
Less foreign policy interventionism
Stop the NSA's "out-of-control" surveillance
Supports abortion rights and same-sex marriage
Network neutrality is essential for free speech
Reform the Export-Import Bank
Source - read details...

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