
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Minnesota House passes minimum wage cut for tipped workers - including 8,000 women over 30

[I've said it repeatedly - the rich and the GOP want to OWN your sorry ass, and thye won't be happy until you're working for slave wages. ---Bozo]
David Edwards
23 Apr 2015 at 12:57 ET                  
The Minnesota state House this week passed a bill that would cut the minimum wage for thousands of restaurant workers who receive tips.
The Star Tribune reported that the measure passed by GOP-controlled state House on Wednesday was packed with rollbacks to appease the hospitality industry.
If the bill is signed into law, it would create a two-tiered minimum wage that critics referred to as a "tip penalty." Restaurant owners would be able to pay employees a lower wage if they made at least $4 an hour in tips.
Republican lawmakers said that they wanted to pass the law before the minimum wage rose to $9.50 an hour in 2016, arguing that it would force restaurants out of business.
But state Rep. Tim Mahoney (D) suggested that the measure was an attack on 8,000 women over 30 who had children and worked for tips.

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