
Friday, April 03, 2015

A half-assed attempt to fix the Indiana Religious Freedom law

Religious Right Tyranny Crushed in Indiana as RFRA Revision Signed into Law 

Republicans want you to believe these are actual, meaningful changes to a law which has been excoriated from coast to coast. And they are, to a degree.
The Human Rights Campaign lays out the changes thusly:
In cities (including Indianapolis) which have LGBT non-discrimination protections on the books, the RFRA cannot be used as a defense to discrimination against LGBT people in:
    Employment: A private, secular employer can no longer cite their personal religion as the reason that they fired or refused to hire an LGBT person.

    Housing: A landlord can no longer cite their personal religion as the reason that they refused to rent to or evicted an LGBT person.
    Public Accommodations: A restaurant owner can no longer cite their personal religion as the reason they refused service to an LGBT person

The "fix" does not address other critical areas such as:

    Healthcare: A private pharmacist could still cite their personal religious beliefs as the reason for denying a legitimate prescription to an LGBT person seeking HIV medication, hormone therapy, or to a lesbian couple seeking fertility drugs.

    Education: A parent could still sue an individual teacher for intervening when their child harasses another child that is perceived to be LGBT.

In cities without LGBT non-discrimination protections on the books, LGBT Hoosiers still face discrimination of all kinds. Based on the 2010 census, approximately 20 percent or 1/5 of Hoosiers live in a place with LGBT non-discrimination protections. Meaning approximately 80 percent of Hoosiers live in a place with no explicit protection from or recourse for LGBT discrimination under state or local law.
According to Bosma, "We want to assure that every Hoosier's rights are protected and won't be infringed upon by the enactment of RFRA. We value each and every Hoosier."
From the above, you can see that the amendment failed where "every Hoosier's rights" are concerned

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