
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The war on teachers continues as the monied-class fights for the elimination of the public school system

New York State teachers in limbo as they wait for test results: 'Your Stories' Investigation

03/30/2015 06:46 PM
Syracuse (WSYR-TV)
When you take a test, you typically get a grade.
But that has not been the case for a number of New York State teachers.
The State Education Department has rolled out a new series of exams called 'Content Specialty Tests,' which teachers have to take to get certified in a particular subject, ranging from English, to Mathematics, to Physical Education.
In our NewsChannel 9 'Your Stories' investigation, we've learned the State Education Department has not established passing grades for 17 of their 40 Content Specialty Tests -- leaving some teachers in limbo.
"Coming in to a field, you try to do everything right. You get a four-year degree, you get your Masters, you get your paperwork set, and then all of a sudden, you're at this standstill because of these tests being held up," says Amanda Cizenski, still waiting for test results.
Cizenski is currently a certified Physical Education teacher, but in today's competitive job market, she's had trouble landing a permanent position.
That's why she took a certification test that would allow her to teach 'Students with Disabilities.'
She took that exam six months ago, and she is one of many, who have not received results.
NewsChannel 9 asked the State Education Department why they administered a test without having a passing grade in place?
Spokesperson Dennis Tompkins says, "The first time an exam is given the passing scores are not set until standard setting has been done and an initial group of exams have been taken. The panels of Higher Ed and P12 practitioners for standard setting have met and made recommendations. The performance of the initial test takers is another factor in final decision making about cut scores. This is standard test-making procedure."
But the United University Profession Union - who represent faculty and staff at the State University of New York - tells NewsChannel 9 that this is not standard protocol.
"I think it's a nationwide attack on the profession of teaching," says Fred Kowal, president of the United University Profession Union. "Typically, if you roll-out something new, you establish a pilot program. And during that pilot program, that's where you establish a passing grade. What the State Education Department has done or Pearson; they did not set up a pilot program and instead, they are literally using our students as guinea pigs to find out what the passing grade is going to be. This is totally inappropriate."
So when will test-takers get their results?
The State Education Department would not give us a timeline.

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