
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Texas secessionists can't understand why cops raided their revolution-plotting party

[Of course they don't understand. They're mental. - Bozo]
Travis Gettys
25 Feb 2015 at 14:32 ET                  
A group of Texas secessionists had their meeting busted up by law enforcement officers, and they can't understand why.
"We had no idea what was going on," said John Jarnecke, president of the Republic of Texas. "We knew of nothing that would warrant such an action."
He claims the raid violated the group's constitutional right to peacefully assemble.
"As if dangerous criminals, many of the Texian (sic) people - generally seniors of respected middle-class business, farming, broadcasting, engineering, scientific, health, veterans and faith-based backgrounds - were one-by-one physically searched on their person and in their vehicles, finger printed, detained and then had their personal belongings and property searched and seized," Jarnecke said in a statement.
At least 20 officers from a variety of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies took part in the "show of force" in response to legal summons sent by group members to a Kerr County judge and bank employee, who were ordered to appear in a Republic of Texas "court" at a VFW hall in Bryan, reported the Houston Chronicle.
The judge and banker had been involved in the foreclosure of Republic member Susan Cammak, who signed the phony court summon along with David Kroupa, a Republic of Texas judge.
"You can't just let people go around filing false documents to judges trying to make them appear in front of courts that aren't even real courts," said Kerr County Sheriff Rusty Hierholzer, who organized the raid.
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