
Friday, February 27, 2015

Shameful American Democracy Ranks 45th In The World In Electoral Integrity

By: Rmuse
Thursday, February, 26th, 2015, 5:31 pm   
If a person possesses the quality of being honest with strong moral principles or "moral uprightness" they are regarded as having integrity.  In American politics, particularly Republican politics, integrity is not only in short supply, it is by all estimations non-existent. Between the preponderance of outright lies and deliberate deception, the hallmark of Republican politics, it is little wonder America's electoral process lacks integrity; particularly in states controlled by Republicans. In fact, despite being a so-called free democratic society with specific constitutional amendments guaranteeing all citizens the right to vote, Democrats have officially endorsed yet another constitutional amendment establishing the right to vote.
Now, it appears there may be a good reason for yet another voting rights amendment according to a new report placing America's "electoral integrity" on par with Colombia and Bulgaria at 45th among the world's democracies. Those nations are arguably not shining examples of democratic Utopias, so America's being in their company is not a very encouraging statistic to anyone except Koch-Republicans. It is reasonable that their goal has been eliminating anything resembling "electoral integrity" for over a decade and doubtless the celebrated America's pathetic ranking.
According to a report last year from the BradBlog, researchers at Harvard and the University of Sydney reported that after assessing the 2012 General Election, America ranked number 26; one step higher than Mexico and one below Micronesia. So in the course of one election America's electoral integrity declined and should surprise very few Americans. It is another world ranking embarrassment for the nation that conservatives claim is exceptional, and a telling narrative about the pathetic state of this once storied example of democracy compared to the rest of the world. It is likely that there are not many Americans who would even use the term "electoral integrity" in the same sentence with American democracy.
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