
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Media Intentionally Hides Republicans' Economic Failures And Democrats' Success

By: Rmuse
Monday, February, 23rd, 2015, 9:47 am   
There was a time when the media, once called the Fourth Estate, was tasked with reporting the facts and truth to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" with the goal of providing a voice for the powerless masses. Of course those days are long gone. In fact, the converse is particularly true in 21st Century America.  It is likely that because American media is owned and operated by the comfortable, and that afflicted Americans are incapable of comprehending that Republicans actively work against their best interests, journalists report anything but the glaring truth; Republican policies are failures and the reason the number of "afflicted" Americans is growing. It is true that Republican policies are why Americans are rapidly losing economic ground to the few wealthy elites, but the media is not only culpable, they are facilitating this country's slide into oligarchy by perpetually campaigning for the rich and powerful.
It is interesting to see the media give inordinate attention to public figures intent on demeaning the President of the United States by questioning his love for America instead of why Republican-led states are in debt and cutting services for their residents. This is particularly true of Sunday political programs that provide some Americans with the only 'news' about their politicians' viewpoints and opinions on why their constituents are suffering. However, the majority of Americans get their news from local sources that are as beholden to corporate advertising as the major networks pandering to conservative economic ideology. Democrats are just as guilty of failing to cite Republicans' economic failings in states they control and it certainly contributes to why voters sat out the last midterm elections; they were unaware why their states are in economic distress or how to correct the problem. A problem, by the way, that a majority of Americans actually know exactly what it takes to correct.
The really sad fact is that there is an abundance of empirical data proving that every state controlled by Republicans is suffering economically, and conversely how Democratically-controlled states are succeeding and leading the nation in economic growth. However, these statistics never make the evening news, or Sunday political talk shows and it is further proof that the media is actively campaigning to impose conservative economic failings on the entire population. In what is a telling narrative, recent polling demonstrates that Americans overwhelmingly agree with the economic policies that allow Democratic states to grow their economies, pay down Republican debt and deficits, and create jobs. It is likely why the media is concealing the key to Blue states' success; taxing the rich and investing in people.
A recent Associated Press-GfK poll that found that the majority of Americans agree with President Obama's proposal to raise taxes on the richest income earners. This is a stark contrast to the economic policies being imposed in Republican states, or proposed by Koch Republicans in  Congress, cutting taxes on the rich and raising them on the poor and middle class. Republicans continue to claim, like they have for over thirty years, that cutting taxes on the rich grows economies, creates jobs, and provides incredible revenue streams to invest in much-needed state programs.
Of course, the thirty year experiment in 'trickle down' economics is a monumental failure, and there are no better examples than most Republican-led states suffering massive debt, job losses, and revenue shortfalls affecting everything from education funding to road repair. Conversely, there are just as many examples of Democratic-controlled states that rejected Republican economics and raised taxes to increase revenue, create jobs, reduce deficits, and allow for investment in areas important to the people; roads, schools, law enforcement, healthcare and social services for the people.
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