
Sunday, January 25, 2015

New Senate Environment Chair Gets His Gavel, Goes On Rant Arguing Climate Science Is A Hoax

by Emily Atkin
Posted on January 22, 2015 at 11:54 am Updated: January 22, 2015 at 12:56 pm
Wednesday was a big day for Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK). In the morning, he officially took the gavel as chairman of the Senate's Environment Committee. In the afternoon, he took the Senate floor for a long speech about how human-caused climate change is fake.
Here's the video: [Click on the source link below to view the video]
In sum, the speech has everything. References to the oft-debunked "ClimateGate" stolen e-mail "scandal", a poster of a Time Magazine cover from 1974 claiming an ice age is coming, and multiple references to former Vice President Al Gore. It has a mention of a survey of weather-casters who think global warming is caused by natural variation, but does not mention that weather-casters are not climate scientists. It even includes the claim that the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change "started" the whole idea that climate change is happening, even though the idea was conceived about 200 years ago.
The video above actually begins a couple minutes in to Inhofe's speech, with a quote from Richard Lindzen, a former MIT professor and one of the most-cited voices of scientists who think global warming is fake. Lindzen, an atmospheric physicist, has often been characterized as having contrarian scientific opinions. He has also said that the evidence that cigarettes cause lung cancer is not "so strong that one should rule that any questions were out of order."
Source - continue reading and view the video...

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