
Monday, January 26, 2015

Complex issue...

Religion is a human construct. Alone, it is guilty of nothing. But the construct in the hands of the wrong people - charismatic and driven people - can be used to control and manipulate others. Among the delusional, they have been so brainwashed that they believe God talks to them. They drive their cars, with their children inside, into lakes because God told them to. They blow up abortion clinics because God told them to. They go to war yelling praise to their fictional God. They strap dynamite to their chests and blow themselves and dozens of others to smithereens in the name of God, believing they will go to heaven and live with 72 virgins for eternity. They belittle women, homosexuals, invalids and anyone else they deign to humiliate.

Average Muslims? Average Christians? Although they are not to blame, they are only a very short step away from being just as crazy as the people causing all the harm. They are still supporting that artificial construct - rather like the United States support of tyrannical states like Egypt and Saudi Arabia. They could do more to stop some of the terrorism and discrimination. It's all just a matter of degree.

Am I guilty for the actions of the teabaggers? Perhaps I am - I have not done enough to keep those assholes out of positions of power. Shit. I'm going to try to do more.

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