
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Congratulations to Staten Island, New York, for electing a felon! (barbara Morrill)
Monday, December 22, 2014, 3:50 pm
Hey, Republican Rep. Michael Grimm didn't mention this before the election:

Rep. Michael Grimm will plead guilty on Tuesday to a felony charge of cheating on his taxes at a Manhattan restuarant he co-owned before entering Congress, the Daily News has learned.
Of course it probably wouldn't have mattered to the idiots who voted for him last November given that they already knew about the 20-count indictment and his anger management issues.
And let's try and guess how this will turn out:

Grimm said during the campaign that he would step down from his seat if he was "unable to serve."
But he is expected to maintain he can continue to serve despite pleading guilty to one tax evasion count, sources said.

If would then be up to House Republican leaders to decide whether to force him to resign.

But to be fair to Grimm, no one ever said you couldn't be a liar and a crook and be in Congress


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