
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Andrew Cuomo - something less than a liberal

Republicans funded Andrew Cuomo, and not because he's a great Democrat (kos)
Monday, November 17, 2014, 4:23 pm
What's the difference between an Andrew Cuomo donor and a Chris Christie donor? Nothing.
It's New York, so you can't expect Working Families Party Gov. Andrew Cuomo to switch parties and hope to get elected. But really, you can tell a lot about a man by the people who back him. And in this case, it's pretty freakin' clear who backs Cuomo:
Governor Andrew Cuomo's top donors contributed six times as much to help elect Republicans to the State Senate as they did to similar efforts to help Democrats, a Capital New York analysis shows.
The Democratic governor's top 25 donors gave his campaign committee $5.13 million between Dec. 1, 2010, and Oct. 24, 2014.
The same group of people and organizations contributed just $444,604 to Senate Democrats or independent expenditure committees that supported Democrats in this year's election cycle. At the same time, they spent $2.7 million, over six times as much, helping the campaigns of Senate Republicans.
What's funny is that people like the Working Families Party crowd and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio believed Cuomo when he said he'd work to elect a Democratic Senate. That has always been Cuomo's worst fear, and it was crystal clear he wasn't about to switch gears.
This is someone who, as president, would be cheering a Mitch McConnell-run Senate, because that's what he's worked for so hard in his own state. Luckily, there will never be any such thing as "President Cuomo," though let's hope he runs. We haven't had a national villain worthy of stepping into Joe Lieberman's shoes in a long, long time.

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