
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Rep. Peter King says Ebola virus has turned airborne, scolds experts for being 'wrong'

[What amazes me is that these fucking idiots can get elected - and then re-elected. - Bozo] (hunter)
Thursday, October 23, 2014, 4:38 pm
"I am not a scientist," Republicans opine when confronted with the science of climate change. Oh, if only we could convince them they were not epidemiologists either.

    Republican Rep. Peter King thinks the doctors are wrong on Ebola, suggesting the deadly virus might have mutated and gone airborne in an interview with Long Island News Radio last week.
    “You know my attitude was it’s important not to create a panic and it’s important not to overreact and the doctors were absolutely certain that this can not be transmitted and it was not airborne and yet we find out the people who have contracted it were wearing all protective gear,” said King.
His attitude was that it's important not to create a panic and overreact. His attitude now is screw all that, he's pretty sure we're all gonna die. Vote Peter King!
    “It’s time for the doctors to realize that they were wrong and figure out why they were wrong. Maybe this is a mutated form of the virus,” adds King later in the interview.
Or maybe the protocol for donning and removing the protective gear didn't work. Nah, it must be because upon coming to America the virus itself, once exposed to the Freedom in the Texas air, altered its very structure. That is clearly the more plausible scenario, so Peter I Am Not A Scientist just has to sigh and shake his head at all the stupid doctors who do not understand viruses and their transmission as much as he does.

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