
Monday, September 01, 2014

Proof That Illegal Immigration Was Worse Under Ronald Reagan Than It Is Under President Obama

Allen Clifton
July 25, 2014
According to Fox News, and pretty much any conservative you run across, President Obama has refused to enforce our immigration laws which has led to a record number of illegal immigrants rushing to our borders.
Of course that statement sounds troubling - and it would be - except the facts simply don't support it.
Currently, President Obama is on pace to deport more illegal immigrants than any president in United States history.  I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me, how is he "soft on illegal immigration" while simultaneously deporting more undocumented immigrants than any other president before him?
That brings us to the notion that Obama's policies have led to a record number of illegal immigrants flooding our borders.
Another right-wing talking point that's completely untrue.
In fact, on average, we're seeing over 600,000 fewer attempts per year by illegal immigrants trying to cross our border under President Obama than we saw under Ronald Reagan.
According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, during Reagan's eight years we saw an average of 1,056,500 illegal immigrants try to cross our border every year.  Under President Obama, that number is down to 417,000.

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