
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Exposing the Ignorance Behind the Belief That the Second Amendment is About Overthrowing Our Government

[A majority of voters elected Obama - are the conservatives claiming that every minority, when unhappy with the result of an election, has the right to wage war against the winning side? Un-American and absolutely bat-shit crazy. How are these idiots given any credence at all? - Bozo]

September 19, 2014
Allen Clifton
Let's be real, many conservatives don't cherish our Second Amendment because they want guns for self defense, sport or because they collect guns as a hobby.
Oh, no.
Many conservatives believe, all the way down to their bones, that our Second Amendment is there to give Americans the ability to "rise up" against the federal government in some kind of armed revolt.
Putting aside the laughable thought that a bunch of conservatives think that they can defeat the greatest military in the history of all humankind with guns bought from Walmart, this notion that we have the right to overthrow our government makes absolutely no sense.

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