
Saturday, July 26, 2014

And they wonder why atheists are getting more vocal...

Portland parents fight Christian 'extremist' club trying to 'harvest' kids at public parks (Click here to read more)

By Travis Gettys
Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:36 EDT
An evangelical group has launched a campaign to convert children to Christianity at public spaces and schools in Oregon.
Parents concerned about the group's intentions have launched their own campaign to warn about the Child Evangelism Fellowship's Good News Club and its tactics, reported the Associated Press.
"They pretend to be a mainstream Christian Bible study when in fact they're a very old school fundamentalist sect," said Kaye Schmitt, an organizer with Protect Portland Children, which has taken out a full-page ad about the campaign in a local alternative weekly.
The group's website claims most people become Christians between ages 4 and 14 years old, so they target children with the message that all people are sinful and that only Christian faith will save them from hell.
"The most spiritually productive harvest field anywhere is among the children," the group says on its website.
But a spokesman for the religious group said it hoped only to reach young people at parks, apartment pools, and other gathering spots to educate them about Christianity.

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