
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Governor of New York is really an idiot (Vote ABC - Anybody But Cuomo)

Are You Kidding? New York Passes Limited Medical Pot Law, But Nanny Cuomo Says You Can't Smoke It

June 20, 2014  | 
In an cringeworthy move that will be compared with Bill Clinton's much lampooned line, "I smoked pot, but I didn't inhale," New York governor Andrew Cuomo says you may need cannabis  for medical reasons, but you can't smoke it. Why? Because it is too dangerous, says Cuomo, ignoring tons of data showing that pot smoking is far less dangerous and more beneficial than alcohol. But Cuomo, for reasons that are unclear and open to severe head scratching, continues to remain in the Dark Ages when it comes to pot. 
The New York State legislature is finally ready to move forward in a commonsense way, and pass a modest medical pot bill, after years of flailing around. Meanwhile, 23 states have passed medical pot laws and pot was legalized for everyone over 21 in Colorado and Washington state. So New York has been particularly slow on this issue, almost glacial. And of course, the state legislature in Albany is known for its corruption and ineptitude, with a batch of members recently indicted or convicted on various transgressions. The legislature in Albany has been labeled as the most ineffective in the country. But under closer scrutiny, the legislatures are bad in so many states, it is hard for Albany to rise to the top of the worst heap. And on medical pot, the Democrats have been trying, and finally there were Republican votes to help it pass.
But New York's uptight governor, who apparently has never let his freak flag fly, showed a lack of reality-based governing and literal common sense, as he forced the lawmakers to pass a restrictive medical pot law, one of the most conservative in the country, and the only one that prohibits the smoking of pot, the way many millions of people have consumed it for thousands of years.
The funny thing is that under the Cuomo rules, people can't smoke pot, but they can eat it. Oh, that's great. It just shows how out of touch Cuomo may be. Pot edibles are actually the one area where concern is warranted because of the very strong effects of ingesting it. Apparently Cuomo did not read the infamous NY Times column of a few weeks ago by the formerly highly stoned Maureen Dowd on her trip to Colorado.

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