
Friday, June 27, 2014

Republicans cry like little babies when they don't get their way...

Koch-Republicans Vow to Shutdown Government Over Pres. Obama's New EPA Rules (Click here to read more

June 23, 2014 8:58 pm by: Marcos Da Silva Category:
The EPA released a proposal on June 2 that would significantly rein in carbon pollution spewed by America's fossil-fuel burning power plants, but the proposal has been met with predictable uproar from congressional Republicans, who are now threatening another government shutdown using a "must-pass" government funding bill as leverage against further climate change legislation.

Here's the kicker: it all ties in to the second largest private corporation in America, Koch Industries.
The financial and political influence of the Koch Industries' lobby against climate change legislation cannot be overstated. Leading the fight against climate change legislation are Americans for Prosperity, the Heritage Foundation, the Cato institute and the Manhattan Institute - organizations the Koch brothers either founded or bankroll - all of which exert influence in Washington. Through Americans for Prosperity alone, the Koch brothers influenced more than 400 members of Congress to sign a pledge to vote against any climate change legislation that does not include equivalent tax cuts.
Most of the pledge signers also received campaign contributions from Charles or David Koch or Koch Industries.

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