
Friday, May 30, 2014

Political posters for today...

Not. One. More.

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, and we're still suffering from the after-effects.

Interestingly enough, I found this poster on the page of a right-wing nut-job. I wonder if he had a clue what he posted?

I push the notion that the rich want to own us, to work for them and pay them homage, because it is becoming ever more evident every day.

It used to be that we stopped monopolies from forming - now our government leaders love them and cozy up to them for their donations.

And this doesn't even address the incredible increase in the salaries of top-tier executives.

Funny how the GOP became so radical after Obama was elected, isn't it?

There are two types of marriage, as I see it - the religious sacrament and the civil union that joins two people into a family unit. The civil union is a right ALL people share.

Most neutral observers would agree - Bush and Cheney are war criminals. They started an unprovoked war and they allowed the use of torture. Shame on them - and us.

The US and China combined spend nearly half of the world's allotment of military funding. Let's stop the madness.

Far too many low-wage workers are on welfare - we need employers to pay a living wage.

Get out the vote!

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